Pain Management Doctors in Las Vegas, NV.


Pain Conditions We Treat

Our dedicated and compassionate staff partner with our patients to relieve pain and improve function quickly, safely and effectively.

Disc Protrusion

Disc Protrusion

Disc protrusion refers to a condition where the outer layer of…

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car Accident Injuries

Following an automobile accident, it is common to suffer from pain…


Facet Joint Pain / Spinal Arthritis

Facet joint pain and spinal arthritis involve inflammation of the joints…

Chronic Knee Pain

Chronic Knee Pain

Knee pain can be a debilitating condition, often stemming from injuries…



Whiplash occurs due to a sudden and forceful movement of the…

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Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Managing Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) usually involves the use of…


Chronic Neck and Back Pain

The neck and back are remarkable yet delicate structures comprised of…

Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Your quality of life is important to the doctors at the…


Sciatica (Lumbar Radiculopathy)

Sciatica encompasses lower back, buttock, and lower extremity pain resulting from…

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy refers to damage of the small nerve fibers that…

Chronic Post-Surgical Pain

Chronic Post-Surgical Pain

Following a surgical procedure, in some unfortunate circumstances, a patient may…


Inguinal Hernia Pain

Inguinal hernia pain typically manifests as a dull ache or burning…

Bulging Disc

Bulging Disc

A bulging disc in the spine occurs when the disc's outer…

Hockey Injuries

Hockey Injuries

Ice hockey garners widespread popularity in the United States, attracting both…

Golf Injuries

Golf Injuries

Golf can be a fun and relaxing sport for many, but…

Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball, a rapidly growing recreational sport blending elements of tennis, ping…


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) entails persistent and severe pain that…

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition characterized by the narrowing of the…

Spine Anatomy

Spine Anatomy Disorders

We often encounter disorders in the patient’s spine including scoliosis, spondylosis…

Herniated Discs

Herniated Discs

The intervertebral discs serve as “cushions” that are positioned between each…


Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease refers to changes in spinal discs associated with…

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