Pain Management Doctors in Las Vegas, NV.

person getting pain management treatment

Around 1.5 million Americans suffer chronic pain from whiplash, many of whom received the injury following a result of a vehicle accident, leading to debilitating discomfort. For this reason, early and effective pain management is vital for a fast and smooth post-accident recovery. Are you looking for a series of options to help you with whiplash pain relief, and do you want to know what chronic pain treatment options you have available?

Below, we cover everything from the immediate steps you should take post-accident to advanced methods of neck injury management for you to consider.

Discover innovative strategies to combat discomfort and learn how the Innovative Pain Care Center can help you find relief and return to your daily life.

Immediate Steps Post-Accident

Straight away after an accident, make sure to prioritize your safety before you continue with other issues. Of course, when your vehicle is in a safe place and you have called emergency services, you can start thinking about long-term care. Your main priority at this point is to seek immediate medical attention, even if your pain does not seem too strong, as not all injuries may be apparent straight away.

If you feel discomfort, apply an ice pack or take over-the-counter pain medication to alleviate immediate pain. This icepack may be professional, or you can make your own. These can also reduce swelling. However, you should stop using ice after around 48 hours to allow the body’s natural healing processes to take effect.

You can try to perform small stretches if it does not cause more pain. This action can alleviate the muscle tension caused by whiplash. However, if you feel any additional aches or pains, you should stop immediately, as continuing may cause further injury.

Make sure also to document any car accident injuries you get at this point. Not only is this useful for legal purposes, but you can use these documents when speaking with healthcare providers later.

Chronic Pain Management

Pain treatment can take many forms, each of which aims to help you understand and then manage the discomfort you experience.

For example, engaging in a tailored physical therapy program can start by helping discover the source of pain. It can then help to strengthen your muscles and improve flexibility. Over time, this can contribute to long-term pain relief and help prevent further injury.

Chiropractic care is a process that can relieve pressure on the nerves by realigning areas of the body, such as the spine. As a non-invasive procedure, it is much preferable to more advanced pain management techniques.

Alternatively, regular massage therapy offers a reduction in muscle tension by helping to improve circulation and relaxation. Loosening the tightness of muscles around the location of the discomfort can thus contribute to pain relief and faster injury recovery.

Advanced Pain Management Techniques

The Innovative Pain Care Center (IPCC) can focus on reducing levels of localized pain and aim to increase a patient’s mobility. Some of these options include:

Epidural steroid injections involve surrounding a spinal nerve root with a long-acting steroid. This procedure can reduce inflammation and swelling around the area, reducing pressure on the nerve.

Facet joint injections involve applying a mixture of local anesthetics and steroids to a location, offering immediate and long-term relief. Through this relief, a patient can often get back to daily activities faster.

Radiofrequency ablation uses radio waves to carefully warm the area around the body’s nerves, disrupting their signals. Studies discuss how this pain reduction method can help prevent pain in several conditions. The technique can also help patients find additional relief when other methods are less effective.

Before any of these, however, the IPCC will need to diagnose the exact nature of your condition. To do this, they may perform tests to learn more about your condition, such as :

  • Motion testing
  • Nerve conduction studies
  • Reviewing X-rays and other radiological examinations
  • Neuromuscular function examination
  • Diagnostic joint injections
  • Examining your history of therapy responses

With all this information, the IPCC can diagnose and direct you to specific treatment options tailored to your unique condition.

Long-Term Whiplash Relief Strategies

If you start to feel any form of chronic pain due to whiplash, you should seek out a source of rehabilitation and discomfort relief. However, there are many methods for handling these issues due to the diversity of potential injuries.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

A customized physical therapy program can help you strengthen your neck muscles and improve your range of motion. While physical therapy exercises can be challenging, there are several ways to make them easier on a patient, including:

  • Massage techniques
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Medication
  • Epidural injections

Incorporating these options into a holistic treatment process allows a person to improve their upper body and neck gradually. Advice from a professional also allows a patient to avoid re-injury and improves their body’s resilience to further stresses over time.

Lifestyle Adjustments for Managing Discomfort

It is crucial to recovery for a patient to avoid exacerbating an injury. As such, a clinician will often advise them on changes they could make to improve their situation, including:

  • Using supportive chairs
  • Adjusting computer monitor height
  • Engaging in low-impact exercises
  • Engaging in stress management
  • Nutritional advice

This advice aims to help someone avoid activities or lifestyle options that may worsen the pain. The changes a patient makes should also ensure they are more comfortable while recovering.

How the Innovative Pain Care Center Provides Effective Treatment

The Innovative Pain Care Center (IPCC) provides several options to help people manage chronic and short-term pain. Using cutting-edge technology and techniques, they can help you develop a personalized treatment plan and ensure you receive the best care for your injury. They have diverse treatments on offer, including:

  • Injections
  • Physical therapy
  • Neuromodulation
  • Heat therapy

As such, they can help tailor your progress to match your unique needs.

Your Path to Pain-Free Living

Pain management is a collaborative effort between a treatment center and a patient to ensure early and precise intervention to prevent an injury from deteriorating. To help with recovery, Innovative Pain Care Center focuses on comprehensive care to give patients a care plan tailored to their needs.

If you need to learn more, book an appointment with the IPCC and find your route to a pain-free life. Discover what state-of-the-art treatment can do for you today.

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