Pain Management Doctors in Las Vegas, NV.

person receiving pain management treatment in las vegas

According to the US Pain Foundation, there are approximately 52.4 new cases of chronic pain per 1,000 individuals every year. That’s higher than other common health conditions such as:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression

Pain is the most common reason for accessing the healthcare system. It can still leave patients without the help they need. Medications and surgery don’t always do enough, leaving them searching for another option.

Read on to learn how to find pain management in Las Vegas and what to expect.

What Conditions They Can Treat

The first thing you should know about Las Vegas pain clinics is the services they provide.

Knowing the causes of pain gives you an idea of what’s behind your symptoms. It also helps you decide if a pain clinic is the place to go for relief.

Knee or Back Pain

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is one of the most commonly reported types of pain and a leading cause of disability. There are also many causes of chronic neck and back pain such as whiplash MVA after a motor vehicle accident.

Chronic knee pain could come from conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout. It could even be diabetic neuropathy, which can spread to the rest of the legs.

Spine Problems

Problems with discs in the spine are serious. They’re right next to the spinal cord, which is full of nerves that send pain signals to your brain if anything’s wrong. Potential issues include:

  • Herniated disc
  • Bulging disc
  • Disc protrusion

There are other spinal conditions to consider, such as sciatica and radiculopathy.

Stenosis is a broad term for any passageway that is narrower than it should be. This frequently causes the spine to shrink and can cause major back pain.

Surgery Complications

Surgery to relieve your pain can do more harm than good. If pain lasts longer than a normal recovery period, look for help at a clinic.

They can relieve chronic post-surgical pain such as:

  • Chronic pain after spine surgery
  • Pain from a failed back surgery

Sports Injuries

Pain is often connected to overexertion. Moving the wrong way or using the wrong gear leaves you open to sports injuries.

Examples include:

  • Pickleball and golf injuries
  • Hockey injuries

Other Conditions

Pain management can literally ease your mind. They can help with headache conditions such as migraines.

A clinic can even treat conditions you might not expect. They can help you manage inguinal hernia pain.

One of the most difficult conditions to treat with pain management in Las Vegas is CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome). It is possible, but the condition is widespread and not well-studied.

Chronic Pain Solutions Clinics Provide

Pain can come from so many sources that trying to beat it can feel like dousing a hoard of tiny, small fires. You put out one, and another pops up.

Pain clinic therapy has solutions to find the cause of your discomfort and manage it. No one size fits all, and treatment methods range from the traditional to the advanced.

Traditional Approaches

Traditional pain relief therapy approaches include:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy

They can help with almost any condition, particularly back pain management. They’re often the best option to try first. Pain specialists can always try another more powerful method if they don’t work.


Joint injections, including facet joint injections to the spine, can help reduce inflammation and pain. It’s an effective treatment, but it’s not meant to be a long-term one.

Epidural steroid injections are another option. Spinal injections can reduce back pain if traditional methods aren’t working, but they do have side effects.

Nerve blockers are used after surgeries or similar procedures. They can provide short-term pain relief by stopping the pain signals from the nerves near the affected area.

Advanced Therapies

Advanced pain management therapies use special technology and can be highly effective. Consider them as chronic pain solutions if nothing else has been working.

Radiofrequency ablation of the cervical and lumbar spines uses heat. It’s a safe solution. The device can also work for chronic neck or back pain.

Devices planted under the skin use electrical impulses and block pain signals. Options include:

  • Spinal cord stimulator
  • DRG or dorsal root ganglian stiumator
  • Peripheral nerve stimulator

Choosing a Pain Specialist

When choosing pain specialists, make sure they’re board-certified and fellowship-trained. It shows they have the necessary certification and experience.

Check the list of services they offer. Do they provide the type of pain relief you need? What’s their experience and success rate with it?

Look at all the clinic’s locations. Find one close enough to be convenient for you.

Determine the cost of the services you need before your first official visit. Do they accept your insurance? What type of payment structures do they offer?

Get a consultation before you commit to them long-term. See if you can communicate with them well. Better empathy from your pain specialist can decrease your pain.

What To Expect from Treatment

Your first visit to a Las Vegas pain clinic will begin with a thorough evaluation of your condition. They’ll ask about your medical history and lifestyle. They may also perform diagnostic tests such as X-rays or MRIs.

They’ll look at what triggers your pain. Common triggers include:

  • Physical activity
  • Environmental factors such as job stress or the weather
  • Nutrition and diet
  • Stress or emotions

The next step is to create a customized pain management plan. It’ll include reasonable goals for you to meet and treatment methods to use.

Keep a pain journal. Write down when you’re hurting and for how long. Try to identify any triggers.

Attend regular follow-up appointments. The specialists will monitor your treatment plan and make adjustments as needed.

Find Pain Management in Las Vegas Today

Finding pain management in Las Vegas may be necessary for any number of conditions, from back pain to headaches. Search for a clinic with skilled staff in a convenient location. Get a consultation to see how you communicate with the pain specialists.

They’ll give you a customized treatment plan. It’ll include regular follow-ups to monitor your healing.

Innovative Pain Care Center has a team of Nevada pain specialists. We offer world-class diagnostic tools and treatment options in a caring environment. Schedule an appointment today so you can return to your life sooner.

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